10mil Bet on slots

Hi there, I have been playing the new 10mil bet since monday and not once have i been offered a double up on my wins by buying a charm, Is that not an option?

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im down 3 billion, i am about to walk away… using all my best charms, i still cant advance… so disappointing… to know it takes me t months to move one F’in milestone… :frowning:

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my bad… 4 billion since monday…

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that sucks Boom, I have used over 50k charms since Monday and won 46bil. You need a lot of charms because you will lose a lot but when you win the payouts are huge.


i have 18,000 charms but mostly lower end, did you use all high end…like 3 or more clovers… ?

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yes a lot of 5 and 4 clovers but also used over 10k helos and 10k champagnes.

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i have 13,000 beer… hahaha

I don’t understand, How can you choose which charms to use? Mine seem to just get used automatically. I 'm still learning !

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hi Misspenny,
Click on your charm bar then click on charm settings and unclick auto equip, then you can manually load the charms you want to use.

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Thank you so much ! So sweet of you.

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i am an avid reader… so i studied this site and read everything in the community pages, and (it was different then this) i read up on EVERYTHING. auto charms is the first thing i removed… then you can pick up to 4 that you want!! (i have over 18,000 and probably 17000 are 2 clover, i never use them… i only go to grab and gos, and high end ones at that… they are the best for charms!!! @misspenny

My pleasure Misspenny @Boom_Boom and I are always happy to help new players. Good Luck to you. Hugs

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up 3 billion, then lost 3 billion. i just give up… ms. 106 will take me 5 months… i dont know how people are winning and keeping their coin…

wahooo down to 122 billion… gotta love this game… lol seriously tho, i think ill just focus on challenges and saving avatar tokens… hard not to get discouraged when you cant advance.