Bonus charm for all

I have been playing 7 seas for a few years and I am currently at 35B in coins. I have never found out what the VIP reward of Bonus Party Charms For All is. I see the bonus charms I get on bonus charm days but nothing after getting that reward in the monthly challenges.
Another question I have is why do I get the exact same daily challenges all the time, however, if I hit the swap button for a different challenge, I then get a new one I rarely see. Can that be fixed so I have access to a larger variety of challenges. The same ones are very boring.
Thank you for any feedback.

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The Bonus Charm perk means you’ll receive one extra Charm when attending Charm Parties. You’ll receive 26 Charms instead of 25.

Thanks for your feedback on seeing more variety in Daily Challenges.


You are welcome and thank you for relpying. :slight_smile:

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