I kep getting beat wrongly. I will have a full house and get beat by two pair. Or I will have a flush and get beat by three of a kind. This is inconsistent, but it has cost me a great deal of coins, so much so I cannot play it anymore. Please advise. Thanks Ready
@Ready might want to send them a private message, (submit a request button at top right). and they will see that and respond to you quickly thru your email, rather then here. Hope that helps. BB
I need assistance regarding Omaha Poker. I am losing to inferior hands. I get a full house and lose to two pair, or I get a flush and lose to a straight. It has cost me a great deal of coins lost so much so I cannot play the game. Please fix… Thanks Ray
Omaha Poker requires you to use exactly 2 hole cards and exactly 3 table cards, unlike Texas Hold 'Em.
For example, people thinking they had a flush when there were four table cards and one hole card of the same suit, or when they thought they had a three of a kind, because they had 3 matching cards in the hole.
You can click on the Rules button on the lower left of Omaha after you join a table. It explains that aspect of the game in the first paragraph.