I think VIP needs a remodel… looks 80s … lol but even if we keep that, how about throw some inventory accessories in there, only for VIP… it would make hanging there fun. we could use starfish or seahorses for it… saying Hey vip is a special thing…
Oh interesting idea for the accessory shop for VIP’s only! That could be really fun!
Also yeah the VIP lounge is really based on the kinds of lounges that are on cruise ships - which tend to end up looking kind of 80’s, you’re totally right on that! But also that being said, it might be fun to redo the look once in a while so we will definitely take that under consideration!
thanks for responding. I know many of us can’t afford the freebie pets, that big spenders get… (for me i have 8 days of gig work this month, and its my only job) so i have to watch what i spend. I know many think like me, that we wish we could be part of the “in crowd” so i think having VIP only accessories might temp others to become VIP. (thats a win for Flowplay too) because lets say we get really cool clothes, or accessories, and peeps ask, where did you get that? , we can say VIP lounge!! I think it shall be called BOOMS store !!!
haha @laze
I just found myself just kind of starting out that if you do the challenges nd get your rewards when you get up to the 800-900 pts in rewards they give you the free animals, but they do have some that really cost alot that are real cool too and like you said we all cant afford those. lol
yes, i get all the VIP animals on the timeline, i meant the one for high spenders… so if we added a store to the VIP lounge, it could be fun!!!
ok this shoppe shall be called BOOMs VIP accessories shop !!! or booms VIP shoppe … lol