Suppress the chat bubble in the Sports Lounge so bets are private. Currently, when a player is making their sports bets, everyone else standing in the Sports Lounge sees that person’s bets in a chat bubble over the betting player’s avatar in the sports lounge. Every other sports betting person I have talked to on this website has agreed our bets should remain private and not shown to all others in the lounge.
Betting should be private. If all betting windows we’re open forum in betting establishments in reality; the winner’s would be harrassed and the odds would be shot. It would be very easy to remove the ‘betting bubble’. Great idea. Then more than likely the people wouldn’t hangout all the time in the Lounge & may play the sites other games!
@TonyJoe , I only bet on SportsBook occasionally and never go to the Sports Lounge so I had no idea about the chat bubbles showing our bets. Ty for bringing this to our attention and yes, betting should definitely be private.
I am in agreement with Tony.
This feedback has been passed along to our teams.
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