
it got the best of me this am… i have been going up and down with the same 2 to 3 billion for months now. I got as high as 125.8 billion… then went back down. YES using my best charms. i dont let my charms go below 19,000… so its NOT that… i just can NOT advance here, and i have been here 901 days!!! so this am, i bet 10 million on 3 card poker, then i got even more mad, and bet so high on sportsbook. i am down to 109 billion from 123. 8 where i was last night. if i get to zero, i will just quit… its not fun anymore… i can be the ONLY one…

How are people getting to 200 and 300 billion let alone 600 billion… Am i the only one about ready to throw in the towel? 2 and 1/2 years and i am on ms. 106… ugh

Boom Boom i feel for you!!! I have,only been on the site going om a year in Oct. It seems frustrating but you have 120 plus billion my god women i just reeeeached 30B. There is no way i would bet on soccer. I only bet on Baseball on the site and only for the last 3 months and only winning at about 55% on all games bet but have gone from about 18B to 32B. It dosnt sound good but in sports betting anything above 50% winning is outstanding. And as allways in Spkrts betting only bet what can afford to lose and never never increase bet amounts to try and get even its a loseing cause. If you would like i can give you some insights on explaing money lines over/under and other prop bets your friend TruBear from a Tru Chicago Bear fan. HAGD at the Sports Lounge

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I am betting real quick today… i gotta head into work, my only day until next thursday… 12 hours of scrapbooking expo… at least next week is bullriding… hahah

I do better on baseball and hockey… on CW i bet quessed on soccer. so i am at 36 % haha. i lost 10 of 13 soccer. no biggie there. i am only at 7 billion. after almost a year. i only do challenges and am not VIP there…

Here i did better, finally moved up to 127 billion by betting… so lets hope i move up again today… betting baseball… AND yes, @TruBear if you could message me info on the 2 bets under the teams… and explain it, that would be great!!!

Boom Boom as you know there are three Bets on the 7 seas sports book for basebal! They are Which team will win there,can only be an outright winner in this bet. On the Yankees game for tommorow game the money line for this game Yankees -157 a am betting 100,000,000 if yankees win i would get back this amount 100/157x100000000=163,000,000 if you bet Tampa to win and they won you would get back the following 105/100x100,000,000=105,000,000 + your bet = 205,000,000. The other bet i am taking is the O/U on this game which is 9.5 they use the 1/2 point so the is always w/l i am taking the over soo using the following 124/100xbet = 124,000,000 + bet in baseball i rarely bet the point spread. I also wjth following 5 teams i will bet either home,away games Yankees, Red Sox, Atlanta, Brewers, Dodgers the follow 5 teams i will bet home games only Cubs, Baltimore, Angels, Cleveland, Twins the rest of the teams only if there playing each other. You can look at Fox Bet Ganbling 101 if any other questions please ask.

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i just bet wildy again. won 2 bill yesterday but bet about 3 billion today, lots of baseball and soccer. i just want to win enough to get to ms. 106 … lol i need 7 billion!!!

Hello, I received an email from 7Seas enlightening me about the chat forum they have…was wandering down reading comments and saw yours to Boom Boom and it had a picture of you…just wanted to take a moment and tell you that I think you are a very handsome man and kind to be helping others playing on this site. Bless you and sending you happy and joy AND A BIG HUG!!! SMILE…XOXOXO 11ANGEL11 (my avatar name…)

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Hello 11ANGEL11 I received your email from 7 seas and would like to Thank you for the kind words if possible I try and help anyone that’s requesting help in subjects I know if I don’t know I will try and find info that will help in finding answers to there problem. Also if you don’t mind if I see your avatar I will ask to be your friend if you don’t mind. Also except for my wife of 42 years your the first person that’s called me handsome

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

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you are so very kind…and your lady of 42 and ongoin’ is a very lucky lady indeed…I wish you both every happiness and wonderfulness…the last love of my life whom I met on the sister site of 7Seas (Vegas World) wayyy back in 2019…became a dear friend and we met in person (I was living in Seattle - retired from 40 plus years at Boeing)…and became better friends…over the years between 2019 and 2021, we grew as dear friends …I was living in Seattle (for over 44 years) and he was born/raised in Ohio…to make a long story short…I was mugged going to my grocery store in the fall of 2021…was beaten unconscious…to wake up in ICU 5 days later with my brother, Kerry, holding my hand…he was in tears as he thought I was going to die…I had 2 times during those 5 days…anyhoo, he had called my dear Michael who got on the next plane out…and was talking to my doctors when I woke…Kerry went and got them…Michael was a bit anxious…he told me ‘baby girl, you are moving to Ohio…’ and 2 weeks later, he had me packed and the Bekins folks picked up my stuff, and he drove me and my cat back to Ohio (where I am now)…sadly, he died unexpectedly last November…and Kerry died unexpectedly labor day too…Michael’s heart failed and Kerry was in a tragic accident. I’ve been a bit lost since…so forgive me for being explanatory…I don’t reach out too much nowadays…but I do have a couple friends in the 7Seas place (nothing more than howdy doo…) and I will go in and send you a friend request so we can maintain a howdy doo as well. I just am on a bit of disheveled ground just now but I am glad to be here in NE Ohio…small town surrounded by lovely farms and forests…and the kindest people…just no family and haven’t been able to make friends just now as I’m still recovering from the mugging (the young man kicked me a lot and messed up my right leg/hip along with ringing all the bells of St. Mary’s in my noggin…I am learning to walk again…healing at 72 isn’t as swift as 33 something. You stay sweet and your helpful self and I am pleased to call you friend, …see ya around the playground of 7Seas…smile…and bless you for reaching back and writing…Mary (aka 11ANGEL11)…

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ok. you 2 might want to become friends and then whisper chat, because we all get emails everytime someone responds here… lol

Yeah, I am throwing in the towel. There is no way to catch back up.


@Grace2All , I as well Threw in the towel. i come on and do the challenges and go to parties… but thats about it… i havent moved in 3 weeks… im down 48 billion… in 2 month… i hit 3 yrs on the 22 on this month and i am at 98 billion… i was close in nov i hit 148 billion but went up and down 3 times… and gave up. never made it to the next ms. Good luck.

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That’s exactly what I am doing now. It’s just not fun anymore.


Definately not fun seeing people here less then 1 year move soo much faster… i know they spend more… but still…

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