winter isle

looks like we have a new destination coming tomorrow… i am excited… even tho i lost 50 billion in the last 2 weeks… haha at least we have a new place to go, and new 2024 Christmas clothes!

yes for the record i was at 148 billion, im now at 98 billion… zero is getting closer to me then ms. 109… sigh

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Happy to see a new destination as well and the new 2024 Christmas clothes too!

Boom Boom I lost 30 billion myself and I am working diligently to get back up to that point. It will take me a while, but I have learned my lesson to back off betting so much. I don’t have the best of luck on some of these games, especially Bingo and Fringo. I will play game after game of Bingo and NEVER win anything and it is very frustrating to see the same people winning over and over. I don’t know what their secret is to getting the good cards, but I just never seem to, but I just “keep on trucking” and hoping one of these days it will happen to me. :smile:

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KUDOS as well on the VIP gift today… outstanding… and the extra pets this month…

@Jonette i got to 148 billion 3x in november, only to go all the way down to 138… and got so frustrated… so i bet on sportsbook, dropped to 126, back up to 136, bet again, back to 124, bet more, back to 115, bet more, to 110, bet more, im at 98 billion.i am not gonna even try to get milestones anymore…

but for fringo, check in everyday , and collect the 5 free power ups. dont miss collecting them, even if you dont play… and if you get extra gems… buy power ups… you can not win with out them… But here is what i do… go to the 2nd lowest island, set it like you will play the game, and while waiting, go in and buy the power ups… you will only get the single daub or fruit family. If you get stuck playing the game, no biggie… sometimes i take too long buying power ups… ill just play that game… but doing it this way your gems go towards the 2 most popular power ups… If you do it on the highest islands, you get random selections… and i already have over 500 of the 3x… ones… Hope this helps. BB

you are correct, the same people win bingo, so i never play that… lol

I used your Fringo instructions and I finished the Winter games yesterday in one day! Thank you so very much for your input Boom Boom. You are a treasure!

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I love the look of the new Winter Isle. It’s a true winter wonderland, cheery and friendly. However the Snowman’s gifts are underwhelming. I got a cup of Earl Grey tea, and the message to come back in 12 hours. The Warm Drinks and Watching the Penguin Skate are overpriced when compared to most other stopover destinations.

Flowplay, it always seems like when you give us nice things or extras, you compensate by reducing something else and/or making some things more expensive. I remember when we got the VIP room and started getting “extra” starfish and seahorses there. However,at the same time you also reduced the number of starfish and seahorses we got on the Main Deck, so it wasn’t quite the quantity boost it seemed at first.

Also at Winter Isle, we have to use starfish and not seahorses to see the Penguin Skate, when we haven’t had time to build up a good quantity of them. We only need to use seahorses at all the other stopover destinations. I’m hoping this is an error and will be changed to use seahorses instead of starfish. ATM, I have 219 seahorses, but only 72 starfish.

Most of the other stopover destinations give decent free gifts and the stuff you get with seahorses is a good value. I think the stopover with the best gifts to seahorse cost ratio is Pirate Cove.

I am happy we got somewhere else to go, other then cove, reef or atlantis… and its great graphics… especially the hot drink … but so far out of snowman i got a charm… not sure if there will be some free inventory, (like the eye patch at cove) i wont be using my fish to get anything here, because there is NO inventory to try to win… i havent used my fish or seahorses in so long, i think i have over 1200 seahorses, and 500 fish… (because the only thing i am still trying to get is the panda head)… altho i think one of the other islands im trying for some wings… .

still very happy we have somewhere new to go.

@Boom_Boom I’m not knocking having someplace new to go, and I agree, the graphics are great. It’s just disappointing to have relatively high costs on the gift features when compared to the other stopover sites and having to use starfish instead of seahorses in one of the features.

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@Rare_Orchid i understand… i love the graphics… pretty cool with the hot drinks, and i was disappointed in the prize selection, i got all 1 clover charms , and i got a 3 party pass prize out of snowman… i keep hoping for something cool… (like the panda head, but something christmasy… lol… but overall, with the VIP bonus gems, and the giftable pet, and the free kitty at the beginning of the month… they are rocking it…

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just an FYI, i just got 2 new fish today… not sure if its because we are at a new place, but i did just finally get 2 new ones …

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