
7seaswillnotloadit keepstimingout


@Chevy73 have you try restart computer or laptop ?

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good to see peeps adding there pics. first me and jaisy and now you surf!!

@Chevy73 Mondays every 2 weeks are famous for their updates… i froze up and someone else just did at a party… got booted out… to overflow. Also the locate button tends to not work. i dont have ANY other windows open on my laptop, and also i have the radio at the bottom of the screen, (like on deck or port) off, and also on my actual laptop, i keep sound off. Hope that helps!

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o have a number of suggestions, and it’s likely one of the following will improve your 7 Seas Casino experience.

  • Make sure you are running the most up-to-date version of your browser (Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari.)
  • Frequent crashes/disconnects are possibly a memory issue. Regular problems with Bingo and during crowded Charm Parties may indicate you have a shortage of memory as those two features are among the most memory intensive in 7 Seas Casino.
  • Refresh regularly. If the game crashes consistently after a couple of hours, refresh hourly.
  • Make sure no other browsers or browser tabs are open. Google Chrome, in particular, uses a lot of memory with each open tab.
  • Make sure your WiFi is working correctly and is adequate. We’ve had players report fixing problems with their WiFi router solved their 7 Seas Casino connection issues.
  • Make sure internet bandwidth is available. Avoid using services like Netflix and things like file sharing during Vegas World sessions to avoid problems.
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mostly time i freezed at party so i had to refresh and i hate that happen ugh…thanks boom good to see you on pic inclued jaisy

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thanx. its nice to put a face to names… lol

lol…you’re very welcome @Boom_Boom

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