Not spending any more gems on power baits. Convinced that my aquarium was not restocked with the 192-203 series.
i never spend gems. unless its the lowest amount. i set it and forget it. for 20 hours. havent gotten new fish in months. lol
likewise. no longer spending any gems. i dont think i have any new fish
tku boom boom 4 commenting
you are welcome. maybe we will get a new port and they are in there. but who knows… lol
The last two times I went to my aquarium to collect coins and charms the site went black and when I reloaded I didn’t get a chance to receive the goodies. I usually get around 9M and 12-15 charms. What’s happening?
I would like to know if anyone has caught any of the 192-203 species. If so, please post.
you would have gotten them… but i too have gone black, and it come back weird… i thought it was my laptop… lol
@LIGHTNING i dont think anyone has… lol i set it for 20 hours and forget it… haha
I only have 190 of the 203 and haven’t noticed any “new” ones swimming in the background on my screen. Perhaps the missing fish are swimming at a new destination port that hasn’t been released yet. Let’s hope so.
i still only have 172… after over 4 months … have NOT gotten any new fish… lol but then again, i dont spend gems on it, i set the time and forget it.
I had 162 for the longest time, but I got six new ones in the past few weeks. It seemed to coincide with me finishing MS105.
not me… not a new fish in MONTHS…
just got 2 new fish today !!! is it because we are in Winter Isle? hhhm…
I have caught all of the fish up to and including NO. 191. It is the 192-203 series that I am convinced hasn’t been added to my aquarium. To be waiting this long to catch something is frustrating and no one seems to give a proper response when we ask at Help…
@LIGHTNING i just checked, i have 176 of the 203… but need like 101 power ups… lol i am saving my fish and chips… im up to 70,000.
I have 157 / 203. Just before and during Winter Isle i started using 10 minute baits and caught 6 new ones. Get a timer and set it 2 seconds shy of 10 minutes, and see if that works.
We now have a new series, 204-216, at the aquarium. Still haven’t caught a single fish from the previous 192-203 series. So so close to giving up and leaving here. Frustrating. Absolutely no incentive. Merry Christmas to all. Lightning.
i got 2 new ones in fl… still at like 157 fish…