We just got to Atlantis and when i click to get the gift it says “Check back next time the ship visits Atlantis” is that a glitch or are we not getting a gift every time we get to Atlantis?
Same here! We juuuust got here, and pick up gift next time?
@Jaisy3044 i thought it was just me… lol
Same here. Hope it’s a glitch. If not, shame on you 7 Seas!!
strong textI have been playing this game since it started. MY GUESS IS TUESDAY!
@Boom_Boom I thought it was me too lol , thank you all for replying, hopefully if it’s a glitch it will get fixed soon.
same here no gift which i thought was odd and just me lol
I received the same message.
Got the same message as everyone else
I got the same message.
i bet we all thought we were singled out… i dont really care tho, unless they can give us some cool thing to wear…
2nd day at Atlantis, still says ‘next time’…
Im here peeping the answer
definately a glitch for us all
ditto also, how to you place icons on chats ? I can send a happy face but that’s it. Any advice?
Hi Hocus_Pocus, not sure how it works with apple computers but on a pc you press the windows key usually located between fn and alt then press the > key and the emoji keyboard should appear on your chat. Hope this helps.
Thank you very much, YES, it works. I love it, thank you !!
@Hocus_Pocus I’m glad it worked for you.
I am electronically challenged so I need a little more info on getting icons to show on my Windows. I don’t understand “located between fn and alt”. What is “fn”? Sorry for my denseness.
It happened to me as well. It had me thinking I already received a gift and I didn’t.