When are you going to fix the BINGO game? Getting sick of the abrupt ending all the time. And don’t tell me it’s my “slow connection.” I have the fastest connection available. And how about redoing the cards. It’s the same cards over & over with the SAME numbers called on them. When the cards first appear, I already know if I’m going to win or not. And they are not random. I printed out each Bingo Game with the called numbers…and they repeat.
I agree about the abrupt ending. We never know how many Bingos have been called or where we stand if we do hit a Bingo. Very frustrating!
The whole Bingo game is poorly developed. I never get a Bingo if there are more than 12 active players…so I only play in the very early morning. It’s always the same people who win…usually 2 or 3 Bingos each in the same round. I’ve played 25 or 30 rounds in a row without a single Bingo while the select few who always win get 25-30 Bingos in a row. And I play 4 cards each round with the maximum bet of $10 million coins per round. The other night there were just 7 of us playing. One person got Bingos on all 4 cards. Another got 3 Bingos on 3 cards. 5 of us got none. This happens all the time. Also if it was truly random like they claim…there is no way the exact same called numbers in the exact same order… matched with the same 4 exact Bingo cards could ever happen. The odds would be astronomical. But it does. The only way I can ever get ahead is if I’m lucky enough to score one of those “Super Cards” and actually get a Bingo on it. But those cards are dealt few & far between and getting a Bingo on it is even more rare. So playing Bingo is always a losing proposition for most people.
Surfguy I am so in agreement with you about the same people winning all the time! If you will look at the Leaderboard the same person is in the first place the majority of the time with a HUGE score! And…by Monday afternoon their score is very high and I continually think that they have to bingo constantly and win on the gold cards, which I very rarely get and when I do, I NEVER get a Bingo on them. However, last night when I was playing I did get a gold card and won $50K on it and nearly fell out of my chair!! But you are so very correct in saying the same people win all the time and not only with 1 Bingo with 3 or 4. Usually if I do get a Bingo it will be the very last one. Thank you for confirming what I have been thinking for a very long time. Also it is the same on Fringo, the same person over and over will win over a Billion on Fringo. I play the $5 Mil games and most of the time cannot win at Fringo either. If that one person who always gets in first place is in the same game room when I enter Fringo I leave because I know they will CONTINUALLY come in first place and most likely fill their cards completely and me, most of the time at the bottom. Very frustrating!
Tonight was absolutely ridiculous. One person who always wins got 16 Bingos in 7 games another constant winner got 11 Bingos in the same 7 games. I & one other player got zero while several other players quit mid-game, probably because they’re tired of not getting any Bingos. This is beyond frustrating. The Bingo game is a joke. It’s gotten to the point when I see certain players’ names in the room, I just quit because I know I won’t get any Bingos.
I feel your pain Surfguy. Here it is early afternoon Monday and the same two people are in the first and second slots on the Leaderboard with high scores and I can’t even make it to the Leaderboard with even a low score. It sure takes the fun and pleasure out of the game to see the same people winning over and over and if I even do get a Bingo it’s the very last one and lose coins. I don’t get it at all.
do you have to be a VIP to win multiple times every game in bingo ??? its getting worse all the time. absolutely nothing random about the game or the winners. I don’t know how the same people can get such great cards every game while others cards are total crap !!! I really don’t expect a response since it seems that no amount of complaining will change anything. I don’t expect to win every time I play but I do deserve the same advantages as your selected winners. if you cant or wont fix the problem just let me know. I’ll stop playing bingo. frustrating watchung the same names pop up every game whenever they play.
just spent about 60 million playing the bullshit bingo game. its impossible for players like me to win. its NOT a random game. they are catering to a select few who are winning multiple times every freaking game. give me back my 60 million and I wont play bingo any more. its total stupidity to ruin a game just to suck up to a few people. I’ve had at least a dozen of the bonus bingo games that I have been totally screwed on. why is it you don’t count down the bingo wins when it seems to be the same players getting multiple wins? why are numbers popping up in red on my cards when they’re not showing up in the called column? why are your chosen ones hitting so quickly when I am hitting 1 daub on 1 card at a time ? why so many misses in a row when the elite ones hit so fast ? all I’m asking for is a chance for a win with the same advantages as your win every game players. I think its more than fair to ask for my money back seeing how you pay out more to your preselected w players,
Yep. The Bingo game is a joke. The same 25 or so people win all the time. They’ll get 3 or 4 Bingos in the same game and usually in the top 10 as well while many people are lucky to get 1 win and that is the last win. I’d be really po’ed if I paid real money every month as a VIP. It’s near impossible to get ahead unless you get a “BonusCard” and actually win Bingo on it. And they are so cheap giving out those Bonus Cards. The ONLY way their Bingo Game would be random is if the numbers called do NOT repeat in the same order -like in a real Bingo Game.
Well I am still continuing to see the same 3 people at the top of the Leaderboard every single week. I don’t get it. I know they are betting the largest amount, and I am as well. I don’t understand how they can get so many Bingos and I hardly get any. Do then spend lots of money on here because I don’t and maybe that is why I don’t win as much. I have two nicknames for myself “Last Bingo Jonette” and “Bad Bingo” Jonette. It is so very frustrating to get absolutely nowhere on here when others strive every single week. I wish I had their luck and knew what their secret was in winning so much every single week. It certainly takes the pleasure out of games on here with you continually lose every single week and your coin total goes dowon down down instead of up up up!! Rant over!
And one more thing to add…I hardly see any Gold Bingo cards and for these people to get as many coins as they do they have to get plenty of Gold Bingo cards and win on the constantly. How else can they get those large coin amounts. The only other thing I can think of is that they are on here 24/7 and I am not. 2nd Rant over!