Fringo games

Not sure who else is close to completing EVERY fringo challenge, but i have 2 left. i have the maharajaha island, and i need to jump 20 spots on the leaderboard, and that will be done. The problem is, there is never 20 people playing that island. That one is the 2nd biggest island.

The other challenge is for Ananas island, 3rd lowest island, and i need again 20 or more players!!! i have to jump 20 places 1x using a triple power up. The other one, is the same island, and i have to do this ten different games… jump 10 spots using a triple power up.

we need to make challenges that accomadate this… lol i want to see what happens if get all of the islands completed. i mean do i get a big prize? lots of coin? anybody know? lol

@Samantha @MrWylde any ideas ?

i might have to beg friends to help me complete this!!! lol

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All I can do is pass along your feedback to our teams. I’ve gone ahead and sent this to them to see if there’s anything we can do.


Thanks… i would just like to accomplish these LAST 3 … fringo challenges, and aprreciate any help. Thanx Samantha!!!

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Same here, there are never enough players to complete those tasks!


@barbara4196 welcome to the community… Thanks for agreeing. i have those 3 challenges… some of the others were super hard, like the the fringo in the shape of the K. and some of the others… so i would like to complete these last 3, so i can see if there are any rewards. :slight_smile:


it would be nice if we could just click on the island to see our progress instead of having to exit the game in progress and go to our game profile.

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