How do I find a specific individual?

I want to find a friend I have been chatting with but apparently we are online at different times. I don’t know how to friend a person when they are not online.

In your Profile, there’s a white search bar above your avatar’s display image. Type in the player’s name and press Enter on your keyboard. ​This will bring up that player’s Profile.

Thank You Samantha. If they are online how can I find what game they are playing?

@Rmot if they are online, the 3rd tab on your left side, hit it, it will show which of your are online, if you see your friend online, click on their profile and hit the locate button. some people choose to set their page as not being seen online… the first tab is the room list, the 2nd tab is whisper chat, and then 3rd is your friends that are online. Hope this helps