Inventory Items4

We need more/new clothes in the ports and on deck. Those of us that have been on here a while already have all or most of them.

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@Ronya_M They just put the new charm shirt outfits out… I am sure they are (Hopefully) working on new Halloween, then Christmas outfits and accessories and pets. There are soo many i dont have, because to me they are “granny” looking… haha i am saving my tokens for October !!!


they def need some for the younger generation


@Ronya_M yes, i am a 56 yr old rock and roller chick… i dont get the crotchy clothes… really tho, save up for Halloween, YOU WILL THANK ME>!!!


i cant wait for the halloween items


save up your tokens, you will easily use them all… and then some… (if they come out with new stuff this year)


Great post, Ronya. 7 Seas is losing money big time by never updating their inventory. It’s always the same, mostly ugly, stuff they offer for sale.


Especially at ports… we have been to, 10 times over… i either dont buy the ugly clothes or i have what i need. EVen bringing in new FREE items we can win would be good. tired of getting Bologna sandwiches out of the shark … at coral reef. hahah


I have the same problem. And the free prizes, I always seem to get the ugly masks.
A reject button would be nice. lol


it would be nice if we could trade or consign things we dont use. The site could make money reselling and make us happy lol


@Cyn1223 @Ronya_M

i dont mind the free things, EVEN if they are butt ugly. We tend to have ugly mask parties, Especially close to Halloween… lol i look at it this way, everything you get, you get in order of when you purchased them. so i think its cool to see what i got and when. But then again, i dont purchase every outfit… at most ports i dont buy them, i tend to buy more accessories. haha

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I totally understand!

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Great idea!!!Definitely need new outfits. I’m tired of the same old ones!! :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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Well Halloween will soon be over, and then we can start saving up for Christmas… Unless they answer my request from last year, turkey hats and pilgrim clothes for Thanksgiving… :slight_smile:

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