Ports could use a fixing.. lets talk about the SPHINX

I waited until the 17th to get a prize out of good ole sphinxter… i got a not so great prize: a 2 clover DECODER ring … and a message see you on sunday!!! i think anyone who has been here long enough never goes to the ports anymore because they dont have anything worth trying to win. Even with the mummy and shop i have 2 inventory items to win… and cant even win them… its always fun, hanging out trying to win new inventory… lets see some put in to the old ports… and at sea places. i got a freaking bologna out of the whale.

To make it fun, let us try to win something at least every other day, not once, or 2 x in 9 days … :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :hugs: :smiling_face:


dang it didnt mean to delete that. lol

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ok, @MrWinkyNSimone @Jaisy3044 2nd decoder ring. what the heck… yet at least 4 people got the blue, white or black cat masks!!! lol mine now says sphinxy unavailable check back wednesday!!!

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Boom I got all 3 masks, Black, blue and white, trade you all of them for the hat.

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how is that fair… i cant get one… and the stupid axe in Iceland… and you so desperately want the aligator hat… DEAL !!! @Jaisy3044

The axe in Iceland is not a free gift from the northern lights though, If you save your starfish you could get it next time. you get it from the Puffins.
I recall someone saying they had to use 1500 starfish to get the axe. I got it on the first try, got lucky. On the other hand the Florida hat is a free gift and the orange tree is dead set on not giving it to me.

i have about 200 starfish on me… i think i have over 1000 seahorses… i better start saving more. lol I am also saving avatar tokens… Halloween is coming and i used about 10,000 last year. i got 2000 on me so far…

i want the axe and the panda head!! on those next trips!!!


@Jaisy3044 I got the axe in iceland FINALLY 14 tries the 2nd day !!!

woohoo @Boom_Boom off with their heads.

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now there is no reason to go back, except to hit the lights tomorrow… i got 10 gems the other day… haha

10 gems??? Jackpot!! I got 3 :frowning:

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@Jaisy3044 i got 150 fish and chips today

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