Benefits of hosting parties

What are the concrete benefits for the host when she/he arrange a No-Host party?

hi Louise, I do not go to the parties where there is NO HOST… if i show up and they are not there, I leave. Having a host that welcomes everyone and participates is so much more fun. Some people just like to post parties and not host… at the parties i go to or host, the host usually gets rewarded with a gift from those attending. (not all the time, ) go to parties where you are friends with the people, not where there are tons of GUESTS … hope this helps !!!

There’s no benefit to a “No Host” party. If the host doesn’t attend the party, they don’t receive the Charms.

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There’s a guy named “xJesse” who hosts up to 16 expensive charm parties per day, but never arrives at his parties - they are all “no host” parties.

This was the reason for my question.

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yes, i dont know why people do that… i check out their profile if i am not friends with them… but i leave no host parties… you arent supposed to be able to set a party but 1 x an hour, it has a limit, but somehow they post MANY!!! just go to parties of people you know, or were invited to by friends. stay away from GUESTS with no name parties. save your passes for high end grab and gos. :slight_smile:

Do you get season vault gems for hosting parties or do you get these gems only if the party was successfull - independent of your appearence at the party?

to recieve any rewards . you have to attend the party… you get nothing extra for hosting, (from 7seas) and not being there. But many times the attendees will gift the host… Never sure why people post sooo many parties but dont host them. I wont stay at an unhosted party.

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