Blocking guest

if some host needs guest to fill a party and a friend sends you an invite the host should block you because don’t toss a charm, the host would been able to have a party if guest did not make up the required number to create a party, which differes from party to party!

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@Loretta1806 if you host the party, you can mark it friends only, VIP only… or you can KICK people out if they are being rude or AFK… i only go to higher end grab and gos and its usually people i know. some of these people hosting parties and do “NO HOST” holding parties. i do NOT go to a party with no host. also i do not go to where there are a lot of guests, with NO Names… they usually dont throw. Hope this helps !

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humidly… as a vip i go two all levels of party… so if invite comes to me an i accept i should not be kick out… if so the party should be cancelled for not enough to attendees


oh ok, i read your above statement, i guess wrong. so a host blocked you for not tossing? some will do that. If not enough people show up, the party will time out, seems to be about 7 minutes or so, after the party time. Also it will also start a timer, even if all 25 people dont fill it… usually 20 will be considered full. you may not have been kicked out, for not throwing, that host may have had their party set to friends only. i dont go to just any party. i want ones that bust, and i know the people. its all about getting charms to advance. :upside_down_face: @Loretta1806

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