I have been on 7 seas for going on 3 years. Where might I find them anywhere but the sea of riches games. Are they hidden somewhere? Do you have to click all over each port to find things? I have mostly just played games because there is no information on where to find things in the topics. Thank you for your help.
Avatar Tokens can be received from completing Lifetime Milestones. You can also receive them from the different features where you can spend your Starfish and Seahorses. These features are in the Ports and Sea Adventures. They typically have a glowing or sparkling effect to find them.
An example of this is the sea turtle in Hawaii:
Thank you Samantha. I will try the turtle. Have a great day!
You can always find them , they are at ports and at sea places. There are 2 spots to use seahorses or starfish and usually avatar tokens are prizes in there. each port usually has a freebie gift, (like Hawaii its the volcano) you might get them there. They can also be gifted .
also… you can get them on deck, playing shuffleboard.
Boom Boom,
Thank you for the reply I’ve never seen shuffleboard and I don’t know how to go about playing what would I look for?
Just go to the deck, and you will see the game at the lower left corner… you can see the prize list before playing.
Thank you I didn’t even know about any of the extras until we were in Florida and the orange tree was shaking I guess I just never paid enough attention I’m going to have to look harder for these other games since I didn’t even know they existed. Thank you so much for your guidance.
Every port or AT SEA (like atlantis, coral reef) have 2 spots that you can use seahorses or starfish to win prizes. And at port, there is usually inventory involved… (so free accessories)… and there is always a freebie spot. for this port, its the volcano… i just got 10 gems out of it… you will see sparkles cascading from any of these areas… good luck. (you get sea of riches spins often) i save them for BOGO day… i have over 120 saved for BOGO day.
Boom Boom thank you. I am learning so much more. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your information. Have a wonderful evening.
Debi Bullion ~ 352.812.6835
i am an avid reader. so i studied everything on here when i first started. Every game, etc…